2022 Volume 13 Number 1

2022 VOLUME 13, NUMBER 1

FROM EDİTORS                    


01. A big loophole in child development in Xian China
      Shi Li - China

02. Development of Schools' Organizational Personality Inventory According to the Five Factor Theory
      Mahmut SAGIR, Suleyman GOKSOY - Türkiye

03. Evaluation of the End-of-Unit Evaluation Questions in 6th Grade Science Lesson Book According to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
      Zeynep COLAK ŞEKER , Cihat DEMIR – Türkiye

04. Examination of Theses Related to e-Twinning in Türkiye
      Derya SÖNMEZ – Türkiye

05. Examination of Village School with Multigrade Class Students according to Nine Types of Temperament Models
Gülüzar BAYRAM, Adem DOĞAN - Türkiye

06. Harmonizing Approaches In Turkish Folk Music Works 
  Murat Devrim BABACAN - Türkiye

07. Impact of Lockdowns and Home Confinement on Peer Relationships: Preschool Teacher’s Perspective
      Hülya GÜLAY OGELMAN, Seda SARAÇ, Özge YILDIRIM – Türkiye

08. Investigation of How Freshman Pre-Service Teachers Relate Chemistry Laboratory with Daily Life
      Fatma ÖNEN ÖZTÜRK, Oya AĞLARCI ÖZDEMİR - Türkiye

09. Investigation of the Teachers’ Perceptional Organizational Support and Job Satisfactions in Terms of School Type Varıable
      Goksel ERGUL, Saadet Kuru CETİN - Türkiye

10. Planning Problems in Higher Education According to Administrators’ Opinions and Solution Advice 
      Kadriye ÇETİN, Ruhi SARPKAYA - Türkiye

11. Student Opinions On The Attitudes Of Faculty Members And The Effect Of The Exams They Applied On The Development Of Critical Thinking Skills
      Ahmet ÜSTÜN , Derya ALİMCAN – Türkiye

12. Teachers' Views on the Use of Technology in Appraisal of the Students
      Hakan UŞAKLI – Türkiye

13. The effectiveness of taste as a catalyst for learning in primary school
      Jacob Højgaard Christensen, Mikkel Stovgaard, Karen Wistoft - Denmark

14. The Impact of Cultural Capital on the Communication Skills of Teacher Candidates 
      Akan Deniz YAZGAN - Türkiye




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